The ovaries are the organs that produce hormones on both sides of the uterus and provide egg development. In the reproductive age, some eggs are selected to mature each month, develop and the most suitable one is laid with ovulation. While these eggs are developing, sometimes fluid-filled sacs may form, called egg cysts.
Types of ovarian cysts:
Follicle cyst; It is the most common cyst. If the egg is not developed and discarded, it can grow to form a cyst.
Corpus luteum cyst; it consists of the tissue left after the egg is thrown, if pregnancy occurs, it secretes hormones that ensure the continuation of the pregnancy.
Chocolate cyst; They are cysts that may contain tissues and blood similar to the inner wall of the uterus.
Dermoid cyst; It is a cyst that contains tissues such as hair, nails, bones.
Serous cystadenoma; Although they are benign, they are cysts that can turn into malignant.
Mucinous cystadenoma; They are cysts that can reach large sizes.
Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts:
Ovarian cysts may not always show symptoms, and most resolve spontaneously within a few months. There is no such thing as being thrown out of the vagina with menstruation, which is a wrong belief among the people. They resorb themselves.
Large cysts can cause pain, pressure and swelling. They can also be detected on examination without any symptoms.
Diagnosis in ovarian cysts
Diagnosis is usually made by ultrasound, and further examination such as MRI can be performed when necessary.
Treatment in ovarian cysts
Some of them are followed only by repetitive examinations, cysts that cause severe pain, cause bleeding, or rotate (torsion) in a way that causes disruption of the blood supply to the egg, and cysts with suspected cancer require surgical intervention.
Do ovarian cysts become cancerous?
Most ovarian cysts are benign. Ovarian cancers can be seen at any age and may not show any symptoms, so periodic gynecological examinations are very important.
Do ovarian cysts prevent pregnancy?
Since chocolate cysts can damage the tissue of the egg, it can reduce the chance of pregnancy, but women with chocolate cysts can also become pregnant. This evaluation should be made with a detailed examination of the patient.