Myoma uteri is the most common benign tumor of the uterus. It is seen with a frequency of 40% after the age of 35. They can be found singly or in many. Less than half are thought to be symptomatic. Symptoms vary according to their location and size. They usually tend to enlarge during pregnancy and shrink at menopause. As they can enlarge the uterus symmetrically, they can also cause asymmetric growth. Some may be hard due to calcification and some may be soft due to cystic degeneration.

What kind of complaints are seen?
The reason for admission to the hospital due to myoma is bleeding. Apart from this, it can press on the surrounding tissues. For example, frequent urination as a result of pressure on the bladder, and constipation as a result of compression on the large intestine can cause.
How is it diagnosed?
Large fibroids can be detected on physical examination. Although ultrasound is usually sufficient to diagnose, there may be situations that require MRI.
When is surgery needed?
- Enlarge the uterus up to 12 weeks gestation size.
- Symptomatic: bleeding, pain, pressure
- Continuing to grow after menopause
- Suspicion of malignant transformation
- If the cause of infertility
- Causes recurrent pregnancy loss